Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Kansas City Steak Company Gives $50,000 to Area Charities

PR Newswire

KANSAS CITY, Kan., Dec. 14, 2010

KANSAS CITY, Kan., Dec. 14, 2010 /PRNewswire/ -- In 2010, the Kansas City Steak Company donated more than $50,000 plus tons of food products to local charities to help community families. The donations couldn't have come at a better time, according to Sister Christine from the Little Sisters of the Poor, a local organization devoted to providing a home for the elderly poor.

"This has been an especially difficult year for us because donations in general are down," said Sister Christine. "We're so grateful for the meat and cash donations from the Kansas City Steak Company. For non-profits like our organization, these donations help us keep the doors open and allow us to spend our limited budgets on other necessities. One luxury for us has been meat – and Kansas City Steak has been so generous in helping us in this area."

In Kansas, a recent study showed that nearly 13% of the households are food insecure, according to the Economic Research Service. Sadly, this equates to nearly 145,000 children under the age of 18. Many federal and state programs that have provided hunger safety nets for children and families are bursting at the seams to deal with this escalating issue. This puts even more pressure on organizations like Little Sisters of the Poor that are seeing unprecedented demand for help as donations to organizations are at all-time lows, falling nearly four percent last year according to the National Center for Charitable Statistics.

Ed Scavuzzo, president of Kansas City Steak Company believes the generosity of the American spirit is remarkably resilient, even in time of enormous economic upheaval and encourages everyone to find a way to give to those in greater need. "Family and community have been important to Kansas City Steaks for over 75 years. We're fortunate to be in the food industry and are proud to donate food to many area charities each year, including Harvesters, Cross-Lines and Little Sisters of the Poor – organizations devoted to helping others get back on their feet, sometimes one meal at a time," continued Scavuzzo.

"Other organizations are also stepping up efforts to meet the needs of local families, but they need our help. We will continue to do our part, and hope others will do so, as well. Whether you volunteer time to serve, food, furniture, household products or money, every little bit helps our community."

For more information on helping these organizations, please go to, or

Founded in 1932, the Kansas City Steak Company™ is a family-owned company that offers a variety of the highest quality meats and other fine foods direct to the consumer through the company's catalog, website and toll-free phone number. 1-800-524-1844.

Barbara C. Hernandez, President

608.235.1623 or

SOURCE Kansas City Steak Company

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